SARS EDI Policy (Executive Summary) The rise in worldwide competition has concentrated businesses’ minds to develop better ways of managing the flow of raw materials, stocks and finished goods through the supply chain. Electronic Data interchange or EDI addresses the information flow processes within these complex systems. EDI is a vital tool available to every Read More →

SARS EDI Communication

SARS EDI Communication Basic Requirements SARS is legally mandated to enforce the use of EDI for the submission of certain cargo and goods declarations and reports. EDI, or electronic data interchange, is essentially a “paperless” trading system. It involves the electronic transfer of data, by established message standards, from one computer application to another. Growth in Read More →


Mediterranean Shipping Company EDI Transactions Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) is the largest shipping line operating a lot EDI Transactions of which most are EDIFACT messages. Their global headquarters are in Switzerland but they serve most of the world’s freight port of calls. How does an Ocean shipping company use EDI? EDI is the acronym for (Electronic Data Read More →

EDI 997 Monitoring

EDI 997 Monitoring (Lowe’s Requirements) The Trading Partner should monitor the receipt of the EDI 997 to reconcile them with their EDI transactions sent to Lowe’s. If the Trading Partner does not receive the EDI 997, this means Lowe’s did not receive the Trading Partner’s EDI transaction. When this occurs, the Trading Partner should track Read More →