EDI guidelines

EDI Requirements for electronic communication with Tenneco Vendors

All electronic communication between Tenneco (TEN) and its suppliers is based on the standards of EDIFACT. The following options for EDI communication are available:

  • Using a VAN (EDI Mailbox).

ISDN – OFTP Method

Either TEN (Tenneco) may make ISDN calls to the vendor system, or the vendor system may make ISDN calls to TEN. Ideally, both TEN and the vendor system should both be able to make calls to each other. To accept ISDN calls from TEN, the vendor should return the following information: Your ISDN Network User Address (NUA). This is provided to the vendor by the vendor ISDN supplier. To make ISDN calls to TEN, the vendor will need the following information about the TEN hub: The ISDN number is : 32 (0)2 725 89 80. The Hub is available to accept incoming calls during the following hours: 24 x 7, except between 16:00 and 22:00 on Sundays.

Regardless of which communications direction the vendor chooses, all the following information needs to be filled in:

  • the SSID code which you will send to us i.e. the SSID code of the vendor system. This will be found in vendor OFTP system configuration.
  • the SSID password the vendor will send to TEN. This will be found in the vendor OFTP system configuration.
  • the SFID code which the vendor will send files from, and which the vendor expects files to be sent to. This will be configured in the vendor OFTP software. Note that it may be the same as your SSID code.

The vendor will also need the following information about the TEN Hub, as some of these details will need to be configured in the vendor OFTP software. The SSID code which the TEN hub will send to you is: O0932109936351TAE. Note that the 1st character is a letter ‘O’, the 2nd character is a number ‘zero’. TEN will send you the following SSID password: TAEHUB The SFID code which TEN will send files from, and will expect files to be sent to is: 0932109936351TAE. Note that this is the same as the SSID, with the leading letter ‘O’ removed.

Using a VAN Communication Method (Covisint mailbox)

To send files to TEN using the Covisint mailbox, the vendor will need to specify the TEN mailbox name in the UNB Destination field in all interchanges. The TEN mailbox name is: 109936351TAE. For TEN to send files to the vendor Covisint mailbox, Tenneco need to know the name of the vendor GEIS EDI*Express mailbox. TEN will use this value in the UNB Destination field of all interchanges that sends you. The value will have been provided to the vendor by Covisint at the time the vendor sets up the mailbox. The vendor should return its value, making clear the difference between zeroes and letter ‘O’s, ones and letter ‘l’s, etc. When Tenneo have received these details, they will need to configure a trading partner relationship on the network.

To learn more about EDI and become a CEDIAP® (Certified EDI Academy Professional), please visit our course schedule page.

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