EDI webinars

Tickets and Logistics Labels Test – Testing Process Between Myer

Tickets and Logistics Labels Test is one from a series of tests between Myer and its new EDI business partners. Find below information regarding printing price tickets, GTIN/EAN/UPC in bar code symbols and Logistic Labels incorporating Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCCs).

The purpose of Tickets and Logistics Labels Test is to establish that the price tickets and Logistics Labels are printed in the correct format, contain the correct information and are scannable at Myer point of sale and distribution centre laser bar code scanners. This test is required for Suppliers who have not previously submitted tickets and SSCCs for format validation.

The procedure steps:

  • The supplier will submit a sample for each type of Myer price tickets and GTIN in an EAN (APN) bar code for the products they supply to Myer
  • Myer will verify the print quality, layout and information by scanning the price ticket
  • The supplier will submit a number of Logistics labels for verification. These should be created from the data contained in the test orders sent in the EDI Purchase Order trial
  • Myer will verify the print quality, layout and information by scanning the SSCC on the logistics labels using our high resolution scanners. This will ensure deliveries are not rejected during the receiving process.

To learn more about EDI Logistics,  GTIN/EAN/UPC and bar coding join our online webinars.

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