Topco EDI Order

Topco EDI Order 875 – Grocery Products Purchase Order – Sent To Vendors (Version 004010UCS)

Topco EDI Order Mapping guidelines and notes given below regard to Topco 875 Grocery Products Purchase Order. Topco 875 EDI orders shipping to a Topco member will always include both PO numbers. Replenishment orders shipping to a warehouse will only have a Topco PO, since no member PO is involved. When both PO numbers are present in an order, both will need to be visible in the vendor’s order and shipping systems. Topco orders by, and requires invoicing by UPC case code (2-5-5 format), except in the case of non-UPC items such as random weight products. Per Topco’s 875 mapping specs, other item IDs with ‘PI’ or ‘VN’ qualifiers will be present if the item does not have a UPC case code. Topco branded items may be sent with a 14-digit GTIN in the G1705/06, with a qualifier of ‘UK’. The GTIN is not currently required to be returned on the EDI invoice.


  • ISA01: 00
  • ISA03: 00
  • ISA05/ISA07: 08
  • ISA06/ISA08: 9256490000
  • ISA11: U
  • ISA12: 00401
  • ISA14: 0
  • ISA15: P
  • ISA16: > (hex 6E in EBCDIC)


  • GS01: GP (875)
  • GS02/GS03: 8473293489
  • GS07: T
  • GS08: 004010UCS


  • GS01: FA
  • ST01: 997

TOPCO’S DUNS NUMBER: 0069359770001

Topco must receive a functional acknowledgment within 24 hours of the actual transmission.

Topco EDI Order Notes

Note 1:
Topco would prefer that both the Topco and member purchase order numbers (G5003 and N902 respectively) both appear on the invoice sent to Topco. However, if this is not possible at least one of them MUST appear on the invoice as received in the Purchase Order. See 880 Invoice Notes for acceptable formats.

Note 2:
For inventory replenishment orders (Ship-To = a Topco public warehouse, not a member Ship-To) you need to consider the Bill-To. When Topco takes ownership of the inventory there will be a Bill-To segment that indicates bill Topco. However, for consigned inventory the Bill-To will not be present in the UCS 875 transaction.

Note 3:
A 6-digit Topco product code with ‘PI’ qualifier will only be present for non-UPC Case Code items.

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