UPC Code EDI Merchandise Guidelines
UPC Code EDI requirements are developed for exchanging accurate, standardized product listing information between trading partners. The North West Company is committed to scannable bar codes on all products at point of sale, and ultimately for use in receiving shipping containers. To ensure that the system is effective, it is MANDATORY that every item sold to The North West Company is UPC coded.
The North West Company recognizes that exchanging inaccurate UPC Code EDI data can severely diminish any efficiency gained in automating transactions. To ensure that NWC realize the full benefits of EDI, The North West Company and its trading partners should exchange accurate, standardized product listing information.
As a vendor, the first step towards accurate, standardized data is a valid license for your Company Prefix, used to build your UPCs or bar codes. The Electronic Commerce Council of Canada (ECCC) is a not-for-profit industry-led association established to promote and maintain global standards for the identification of goods, services, locations and related e-commerce communication such as bar code issuance and maintenance. As a participating member of the worldwide EAN·UCC system, ECCC represents Canada in the continuing development of the global language of business. The North West Company has amended the standard terms and conditions of trade to include valid Company Prefix licenses and communication through EDI.
- UPC bar codes must be test scanned to ensure the numbers match the bar code.
- If you receive a purchase order from us with the wrong UPC number, do not ship but call the Category Manager for a revised order or authorization to ship against the existing order.
If a vendor fails to advise The North West Company of discrepancies and a UPC problem occurs due to vendor error, an administration fee will be assigned. Examples of errors subject to administration fees are as follows:
- Vendor substitutes merchandise on a P.O. without authorization from the Category Manager
- Merchandise received is marked with a UPC assigned to a different sku
- Merchandise received does not have a bar code.