Volvo Global EDI Invoice Basic Guidelines
Volvo Global EDI Invoice is an initiative of the joint Automotive Industry and covers all types of EDI invoices and is based on the Edifact message standard. Volvo Global EDI Invoice specification for Non Automotive products (NAP) is a user profile of the Global Invoice subset, called Global Invoice Message 2.0 – Odette Sweden, specified by the Swedish Odette organisation currently published on The NAP specification will primarily be used for EDI invoicing to Volvo units in Europe. Volvo will use this specification in all future implementations of EDI invoices based on the Edifact standard. All older EDI relations currently in production will gradually be migrated to this specification. Although this specification is a user profile, it covers a number of options. The use of these options is dependent on the local conditions and the requirements in each individual relation between a supplier and a Volvo unit. Before implementing this specification, it is important to analyse the current needs and to decide whether the options are applicable or not. Examples of these options are: special charges, use of two currencies (invoicing and home currency), intraEU-invoicing with no VAT amount specified, etc. The occurrence of options are further described within this specification and in supporting guidelines published separately.
Volvo uses the Edifact test indicator in UNB 0035 for all test files to and from Volvo. Make sure to verify that you currently do no send test indicator in UNB 0035 in any production files, otherwize they will not reach the final destination. Files marked with TEST in UNB 0026 will not be handled, i.e. deleted.
Volvo has also requirements related to Self Billing Invoicing (SBI). This SBI concept has been discussed a lot during the recent years within the Automotive Industry. For the moment, Volvo has no intention to implement SBI for NAP, but will in the future study the concept thoroughly and decide the conditions later.