Walmart EDI Testing via Self-Testing Portal
Walmart EDI Testing can begin once a GEM mailbox has been created, the implementation team will grant the Retail Link user access to the Walmart EDI Testing Self-Testing Portal on Retail Link. The following features will be available through the Walmart EDI Testing Self-Testing Portal:
- Send and receive test data for Initial validation
- Input your own sender/receiver codes
- Download Implementation Guidelines.
Walmart EDI Testing Self-Testing Portal provides example data files Walmart will send so the supplier may test their mapping. The portal also validates uploaded files that would be sent to Walmart. Uploaded files will be checked against EDI standards as well as an assortment of Walmart’s Business Rules for the document. Remember that your testing experience may vary slightly, depending on the types of documents that you are testing.
Document Statuses:
- Pending. “Pending” status is only for a requested EDI Transaction that is awaiting approval from the appropriate Walmart representative. An email notification will be sent to the EDI Vendor Contact when the transaction is approved or denied by Walmart EDI Support. The EDI Transaction status will change to “Not Started” for approved transactions. EDI Transactions that are denied will immediately be deleted from the Vendor Dashboard. EDI Transaction should be in “Pending” status for one business day or less.
- Not Started. “Not Started” status occurs when an EDI Transaction is newly requested from the Vendor Survey and/or Available EDI Transaction Screen. “Not Started” status also occurs after approval has been received for a transaction that was in “Pending” status. Once the vendor has clicked the “Start” button the status will systematically change to “Setup Information”. EDI Transaction should be in “Not Started” status for two business days or less.
- Setup Information. “Setup Information” status occurs when the vendor has clicked on “Start”, but has not entered their EDI Setup Information. The vendor is required to populate necessary information which will be used for the envelope and item detail during EDI Data testing, when applicable. When the vendor clicks on the “Save” button, the status will change to “Test EDI Data”. EDI Transaction should be in “Setup Information” status for one business day or less.
- Test EDI Data. “Test EDI Data” status occurs when the vendor has successfully completed “Setup Information” and is ready to test EDI Data. The vendor is required to receive a “Successful” test for all sub-usages that are marked with a must test flag of “Yes” in order to proceed to the next step. After the vendor clicks on the “Request Parallel” button, they will be prompted to verify the setup information as this will be used in trading partner creation. This also systematically changes the transaction status to “Requested Parallel”. EDI Transaction should be in “Test EDI Data” status for five business days or less. For suppliers using approved third parties: When all basic documents are at this step, please contact Walmart to move the documents forward. Any specialty document must be completely tested through the testing portal.
- Requested Parallel. “Requested Parallel” status occurs when a vendor indicates they are ready to send and receive test EDI data for the specified EDI Transaction through AS2. When the EDI technician completes the required setups within the Walmart system the status will change to “Monitor Parallel”, an email notification will be sent to the EDI Vendor Contact advising them they may begin sending/receiving test data through AS2. All documents currently being tested must be in this status to be able to move into the next step. EDI Transaction should be in “Requested” status for one business day or less.
- Monitor Parallel. “Monitor parallel” status occurs when a vendor is actively sending and receiving test data through AS2. In “Monitor Parallel” the vendor must meet all testing criteria as specified by Walmart EDI Support before moving to the next step. When the testing criterion has been met the EDI technician will change the transaction status to “Schedule Production”. An email notification will be sent to the EDI Vendor Contact advising them to log into the Portal to schedule a production date. EDI Transaction should be in “Monitor Parallel” status for ten business days or less.
- Schedule Production. “Schedule Production” status occurs when a vendor has successfully completed parallel testing and is deemed ready to have their EDI Transaction moved to production. The vendor has a 15 business day window in which to schedule a production date. On the scheduled production date, the EDI technician will make all the necessary changes to the setup within the Walmart system to reflect production and will change the status to “Complete”. An email will be sent to the EDI Vendor Contact notifying them, they are production for the specified EDI Transaction. A production date for the EDI Transaction should be selected within two business days.
- Complete. “Complete” status occurs when a vendor has met all testing requirements for the specified EDI Transaction and is turned “Production” within the Walmart system.