EDI 856 ASN Structure

Code indicating the hierarchical application structure of a transaction set that utilizes the HL segment to define the structure of the transaction set.

On the 856 Transaction Set, the BSN05 data element setups up the hirearchy structure for the rest of the transaction set. The most hirearhcy structure codes are:

0001 Shipment, Order, Packaging, Item
0002 Shipment, Order, Item, Packaging
0004 Shipment, Order, Item

Complete List of BSN05 Hirearchy Structure Codes

0001 Shipment, Order, Packaging, Item
0002 Shipment, Order, Item, Packaging
0003 Shipment, Packaging, Order, Item
0004 Shipment, Order, Item
0005 Financial Institution; Client or Party; Contract; Component; Account; Item; Coverage, Rider or Supplementary Benefit
0006 Financial Institution; Client or Party; Contract; Account; Coverage, Rider or Supplementary Benefit
0007 Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent, Event, Services
0008 Shipment, Order, Tare, Pack
0009 Shipment, Order, Tare, Pack, Batch, Item
0010 Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
0011 Information Receiver, Information Source, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
0012 Information Source, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
0013 Provider of Service, Information Source, Subscriber, Dependent
0014 Provider of Service, Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent
0015 Information Receiver, Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
0016 Provider of Service, Subscriber, Dependent
0017 Subscriber, Dependent
0018 Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent
0019 Information Source, Subscriber, Dependent
0020 Information Source, Information Receiver, Group Coverage Options, Subscriber, Dependent
0021 Information Source, Information Receiver, Group Coverage Options
0022 Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent
0023 Information Receiver, Information Source, Subscriber, Dependent
0024 Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider, Group, Site of Service
0025 Information Source, Information Receiver, Group, Provider, Site of Service
0026 Information Source, Information Receiver, Site of Service, Provider, Group
0027 Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider, Site of Service, Group
0028 Information Source, Information Receiver, Group, Site of Service, Provider
0029 Information Source, Information Receiver, Site of Service, Group, Provider
0035 Address, Shipment, Order
0036 Address, Transaction Reference Number, Suffix, Serial Number
The hierarchical structure differentiates between information associated with transaction addressees, reference number, suffix designation of the transaction number, and serial number of material
0055 Supergroup, Group, Subgroup, Member
0056 Supergroup, subgroup, member, ancillary facility or department
0057 Supergroup, subgroup, member
0058 Group, member, ancillary facility or department
0059 Group, member
0060 Hospital, ancillary facility or department
0061 Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) Health Industry Number (HIN) database, facility record, location record
0062 Franchisor, franchisee
0063 Franchisee association, franchisee
0064 Company, Company
0065 Company, Operating Unit
0066 Operating Unit, Operating Unit
0067 Company, Property
0068 Company, Property Property, Property
0069 Operating Unit, Property
0070 Property, Property
0071 Company, Tradename
0072 Operating Unit, Tradename
0073 Property, Tradename
0074 Company, Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Operating Unit
0075 Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Operating Unit
0076 Company, Operating Unit, Operating Unit, Property
0077 Tradename, Property
0078 Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent, Provider of Service, Services
0079 Information Source, Information Receiver, Company/Corporation, Operating Unit
0080 Information Source, Employer, Patient
0081 Information Source, Patient
0082 Information Source, Employer, Subscriber, Dependent
0083 Information Source, Information Receiver, Subscriber, Dependent, Referring Provider, Provider of Service, Services
0084 Report, Site, Sample, Test
0085 Information Source, Information Receiver, Provider of Service, Patient
0200 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Fleet (FL), Jurisdiction (JU)
0201 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E)
0202 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Jurisdiction (JU)
0203 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E)
0204 Report (RP), Jurisdiction (JU), Company/Corporation (35)
0205 Report (RP), Company/Corporation (35), Fleet (FL), Jurisdiction (JU), Transportation Equipment (E)
0206 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Jurisdiction (JU), Transportation Equipment (E)
0207 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E), Component (F), Measurement (M), Jurisdiction (JU)
0208 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Cost Type (CT), Jurisdiction (JU)
0209 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35)
0210 Credential Action (AP)
0211 Reporting Agency, Claim Administrator, Insurer, Insured, Employer, Claimant, Payment
0212 Reporting Agency, Employer, Claimant
0213 Reporting Agency, Claim Administrator, Employer, Claimant
0214 Information Source, Information Receiver, Response Details
0400 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Fleet (FL), Jurisdiction (JU), Payment Detail (PY)
0401 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E), Payment Detail (PY)
0402 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Jurisdiction (JU), Payment Detail (PY)
0403 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Quantity (R), Transportation Equipment (E), Payment Detail (PY)
0407 Credential Action (AP), Company/Corporation (35), Transportation Equipment (E), Component (F), Measurement (M), Jurisdiction (JU), Payment Detail (PY)
ZZZZ Mutually Defined

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