Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual


ST Ship-To N1*ST*WAL-MART DC 6094J-JIT*UL*0078742035260
SF Ship-From  N1*SF*XYZ Widgets Inc*92*X6751X0
VN Vendor N1*VN*Dog Food Company*ZZ*0263
MF Manufacturer of Goods  N1*MF*SBH INTIMATES INC.*92*000062535
SU Supplier  N1*SU*Bel Cheese Canada Inc.*9*6275820000015
BS Bill & Ship To  N1*BS*Drogueria Betances, LLC*11*RD0369947

Full list of Entity Identifier Codes (EDI Data Element 98)


00 Alternate Insurer
01 Loan Applicant
02 Loan Broker
03 Dependent
04 Asset Account Holder
05 Tenant
06 Recipient of Civil or Legal Liability Payment
07 Titleholder
08 Non-Mortgage Liability Account Holder
09 Note Co-Signer
0A Comparable Rentals
0B Interim Funding Organization
0D Non-occupant Co-borrower
0E List Owner
0F List Mailer
0G Primary Electronic Business Contact
0H State Division
0I Alternate Electronic Business Contact
0J Primary Practice Location
0P Party to Declare Goods
10 Conduit
11 Party to be billed(AAR Accounting Rule 11)
12 Regional Office
13 Contracted Service Provider
14 Wholly-Owned Subsidiary
15 Accounts Payable Office
16 Plant
17 Consultant’s Office
18 Production
19 Non-Production Supplier
1A Subgroup
1B Applicant
1C Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)
1D Co-operative
1E Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
1F Alliance
1G Oncology Center
1H Kidney Dialysis Unit
1I Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
1J Connection
The name of pipeline company to which a well, lease or field is connected
1K Franchisor
1L Franchisee
1M Previous Group
1N Shareholder
1O Acute Care Hospital
1P Provider
1Q Military Facility
1R University, College or School
1S Outpatient Surgicenter
1T Physician, Clinic or Group Practice
1U Long Term Care Facility
1V Extended Care Facility
1W Psychiatric Health Facility
1X Laboratory
1Y Retail Pharmacy
1Z Home Health Care
20 Foreign Supplier
21 Small Business
22 Minority-Owned Business, Small
23 Minority-Owned Business, Large
24 Woman-Owned Business, Small
25 Woman-Owned Business, Large
26 Socially Disadvantaged Business
27 Small Disadvantaged Business
28 Subcontractor
29 Prototype Supplier
2A Federal, State, County or City Facility
2B Third-Party Administrator
2C Co-Participant
2D Miscellaneous Health Care Facility
2E Non-Health Care Miscellaneous Facility
2F State
2G Assigner
2H Hospital District or Authority
2I Church Operated Facility
2J Individual
2K Partnership
2L Corporation
2M Air Force Facility
2N Army Facility
2O Navy Facility
2P Public Health Service Facility
2Q Veterans Administration Facility
2R Federal Facility
2S Public Health Service Indian Service Facility
2T Department of Justice Facility
2U Other Not-for-profit Facility
2V Individual for-profit Facility
2W Partnership for-profit Facility
2X Corporation for-profit Facility
2Y General Medical and Surgical Facility
2Z Hospital Unit of an Institution (prison hospital, college infirmary, etc.)
30 Service Supplier
31 Postal Mailing Address
32 Party to Receive Material Release
33 Inquiry Address
34 Material Change Notice Address
35 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Coordinator Point Address
36 Employer
37 Previous Debt Holder
38 Mortgage Liability Account Holder
39 Appraisal Company
3A Hospital Unit Within an Institution for the Mentally Retarded
3B Psychiatric Facility
3C Tuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases Facility
3D Obstetrics and Gynecology Facility
3E Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Facility
3F Rehabilitation Facility
3G Orthopedic Facility
3H Chronic Disease Facility
3I Other Specialty Facility
3J Children’s General Facility
3K Children’s Hospital Unit of an Institution
3L Children’s Psychiatric Facility
3M Children’s Tuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases Facility
3N Children’s Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Facility
3O Children’s Rehabilitation Facility
3P Children’s Orthopedic Facility
3Q Children’s Chronic Disease Facility
3R Children’s Other Specialty Facility
3S Institution for Mental Retardation
3T Alcoholism and Other Chemical Dependency Facility
3U General Inpatient Care for AIDS/ARC Facility
3W Specialized Outpatient Program for AIDS/ARC
3X Alcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency Inpatient Unit
3Y Alcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency Outpatient Services
3Z Arthritis Treatment Center
40 Receiver
Entity to accept transmission
41 Submitter
Entity transmitting transaction set
42 Component Manufacturer
Provider of a proprietary designed and manufactured subassembly that meets defined customer specifications
43 Claimant Authorized Representative
44 Data Processing Service Bureau
45 Drop-off Location
46 Invoicing Dealer
Source with whom monetary transactions for component manufacturer extended service coverages will occur
47 Estimator
48 In-service Source
Source placing product into service
49 Initial Dealer
The dealer who initially attempted the repair
4A Birthing Room/LDRP Room
4B Burn Care Unit
4C Cardiac Catherization Laboratory
4D Open-Heart Surgery Facility
4E Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
4F Angioplasty Facility
4G Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Service Facility
4H Emergency Department
4I Trauma Center (Certified)
4J Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripter (ESWL) Unit
4K Fitness Center
4L Genetic Counseling/Screening Services
4M Adult Day Care Program Facility
4N Alzheimer’s Diagnostic/Assessment Services
4O Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Facility
4P Emergency Response (Geriatric) Unit
4Q Geriatric Acute Care Unit
4R Geriatric Clinics
4S Respite Care Facility
4T Senior Membership Program
4U Patient Education Unit
4V Community Health Promotion Facility
4W Worksite Health Promotion Facility
4X Hemodialysis Facility
4Y Home Health Services
4Z Hospice
50 Manufacturer’s Representative
51 Parts Distributor
52 Part Remanufacturer
53 Registered Owner
Unique code of entity owning the equipment
54 Order Writer
Individual who receives the product from the customer and prepares the repair order describing work to be performed
55 Service Manager
Person responsible for service department
56 Servicing Dealer
57 Servicing Organization
58 Store Manager
59 Party to Approve Specification
5A Medical Surgical or Other Intensive Care Unit
5B Hisopathology Laboratory
5C Blood Bank
5D Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
5E Obstetrics Unit
5F Occupational Health Services
5G Organized Outpatient Services
5H Pediatric Acute Inpatient Unit
5I Psychiatric Child/Adolescent Services
5J Psychiatric Consultation-Liaison Services
5K Psychiatric Education Services
5L Psychiatric Emergency Services
5M Psychiatric Geriatric Services
5N Psychiatric Inpatient Unit
5O Psychiatric Outpatient Services
5P Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program
5Q Megavoltage Radiation Therapy Unit
5R Radioactive Implants Unit
5S Therapeutic Radioisotope Facility
5T X-Ray Radiation Therapy Unit
5U CT Scanner Unit
5V Diagnostic Radioisotope Facility
5W Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Facility
5X Ultrasound Unit
5Y Rehabilitation Inpatient Unit
5Z Rehabilitation Outpatient Services
60 Salesperson
Identification of individual that sold the product e.g. SSN, salesperson id, etc.
61 Performed At
The facility where work was performed
62 Applicant’s Employer
63 Reference’s Employer
64 Cosigner’s Employer
65 Applicant’s Reference
A person identified on the loan application as a secondary contact for the borrower
66 Applicant’s Cosigner
A person who signs the promissory note in addition to the borrower and is responsible for the obligation if the borrower does not pay
67 Applicant’s Comaker
One of two individuals who are joint borrowers on a loan and who are equally liable for repayment of the loan
68 Owner’s Representative
Individual operating or responsible for the vehicle/equipment
69 Repairing Outlet
Party completing the repair
6A Reproductive Health Services
6B Skilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
6C Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) Unit
6D Organized Social Work Service Facility
6E Outpatient Social Work Services
6F Emergency Department Social Work Services
6G Sports Medicine Clinic/Services
6H Hospital Auxiliary Unit
6I Patient Representative Services
6J Volunteer Services Department
6K Outpatient Surgery Services
6L Organ/Tissue Transplant Unit
6M Orthopedic Surgery Facility
6N Occupational Therapy Services
6O Physical Therapy Services
6P Recreational Therapy Services
6Q Respiratory Therapy Services
6R Speech Therapy Services
6S Women’s Health Center/Services
6T Health Sciences Library
6U Cardiac Rehabilitation Program Facility
6V Non-Invasive Cardiac Assessment Services
6W Emergency Medical Technician
6X Disciplinary Contact
6Y Case Manager
6Z Advisor
70 Prior Incorrect Insured
71 Attending Physician
Physician present when medical services are performed
72 Operating Physician
Doctor who performs a surgical procedure
73 Other Physician
Physician not one of the other specified choices
74 Corrected Insured
75 Participant
76 Secondary Warranter
77 Service Location
78 Service Requester
79 Warranter
7A Premises
7B Bottler
7C Place of Occurrence
7D Contracting Officer Representative
7E Party Authorized to Definitize Contract Action
7F Filing Address
7G Hazardous Material Office
7H Government Furnished Property FOB Point
7I Project Name
7J Codefendant
7K Co-occupant
7L Preliminary Inspection Location
7M Inspection and Acceptance Location
7N Party to Receive Proposal
7O Federally Chartered Facility
7P Transportation Office
7Q Party to Whom Protest Submitted
7R Birthplace
Location where individual was born; may be the country or a more complete address
7S Pipeline Segment
7T Home State Name
Name filed by a business in the state where it is incorporated when this name is used by another business in the state where it is registering to do business
7U Liquidator
7V Petitioning Creditor’s Attorney
7W Merged Name
Name of survivor company resulting from a merger
7X Party Represented
7Y Professional Organization
7Z Referee
80 Hospital
An institution where the ill or injured may receive medical treatment
81 Part Source
Identifies vendor who supplied casual part
82 Rendering Provider
83 Subscriber’s School
84 Subscriber’s Employer
85 Billing Provider
86 Conductor
87 Pay-to Provider
88 Approver
Manufacturer’s representative approving claim for payment
89 Investor
8A Vacation Home
8B Primary Residence
8C Second Home
8D Permit Holder
8E Minority Institution
8F Bailment Warehouse
A warehouse property that is owned by an organization, but the inventory contained in the warehouse belongs to the supplier until the organization owning the warehouse legally purchases the goods
8G First Appraiser
8H Tax Exempt Organization
8I Service Organization
8J Emerging Small Business
8K Surplus Dealer
8L Polling Site
8M Socially Disadvantaged Individual
8N Economically Disadvantaged Individual
😯 Disabled Individual
8P Producer
8Q Public or Private Organization for the Disabled
8R Consumer Service Provider (CSP) Customer
8S Consumer Service Provider (CSP)
8T Voter
8U Native Hawaiian Organization
8V Primary Intra-LATA (Local Access Transport Area) Carrier
8W Payment Address
8X Oil and Gas Custodian
8Y Registered Office
Address where legal correspondence should be sent
90 Previous Business Partner
91 Action Party
The organization responsible for investigation and resolution
92 Support Party
The organization supporting the resolution of an investigation
93 Insurance Institute
94 New Supply Source
95 Research Institute
96 Debtor Company
97 Party Waiving Requirements
98 Freight Management Facilitator
Organization and/or individual responsible for the monitoring and management of freight services
99 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Area Location
9A Debtor Individual
9B Country of Export
9C Country of Destination
9D New Service Provider
9E Sub-servicer
9F Loss Payee
9G Nickname
9H Assignee
9I Registered Principal
9J Additional Debtor
9K Key Person
9L Incorporated By
9N Party to Lease
9O Party to Contract
9P Investigator
9Q Last Supplier
9R Downstream First Supplier
9S Co-Investigator
9T Telephone Answering Service Bureau
9U Author
9V First Supplier
9W Ultimate Parent Company
9X Contractual Receipt Meter
9Y Contractual Delivery Meter
9Z Co-debtor
A person or entity that is also liable on a debt listed by the debtor in a bankruptcy case, excluding the spouse in a joint case, but including guarantors and co-signers
A1 Adjuster
Investigates a claim and estimates the value of the damage: the information gathered by an adjuster is used in settling the insurance claim.
A2 Woman-Owned Business
A business (not defined as large or small) that is owned by a woman
A3 Labor Surplus Area Firm
A business that has an identified surplus of labor in the geographic area where it is located
A4 Other Disadvantaged Business
A business which qualifies as a disadvantaged business for another, unspecified reason
A5 Veteran-Owned Business
A business owned by a veteran
A6 Section 8(a) Program Participant Firm
A firm participating in a program (under Section 8 (a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637 (a)), in which the Small Business Administration enters into contracts on behalf of, and then subcontracts with, the participating firm, certifying the firm’s competence and responsibility
A7 Sheltered Workshop
A business entity which provides work for a special category of worker
A8 Nonprofit Institution
A business that by operation of policy or law does not choose (or is not allowed) to make a profit from the efforts of its enterprise
A9 Sales Office
A business entity whose main activity is, or a location at which, the sale of goods or services takes place
AA Authority For Shipment
AB Additional Pickup Address
AC Air Cargo Company
AD Party to be advised (Written orders)
AE Additional Delivery Address
AF Authorized Accepting Official
AG Agent/Agency
AH Advertiser
AI Airline
AJ Alleged Debtor
AK Party to Whom Acknowledgment Should Be Sent
AL Allotment Customer
AM Assistant U.S. Trustee
AN Authorized From
AO Account Of
AP Account of (Origin Party)
AQ Account of (Destination Party)
AR Armed Services Location Designation
AS Postsecondary Education Sender
AT Postsecondary Education Recipient
AU Party Authorizing Disposition
AV Authorized To
AW Accountant
AX Plaintiff
AY Clearinghouse
AZ Previous Name
B1 Construction Firm
A business entity whose main activity is construction
B2 Other Unlisted Type of Organizational Entity
An organization, e.g., a business, the description of which cannot be accomplished using the existing code list and for which the trading partners have not mutually agreed to a definition for it
B3 Previous Name of Firm
A name by which a business entity was previously known
B4 Parent Company
The organizational entity which, by virtue of organization, ownership, and/or management, exercises control over a subordinate but separate business entity
B5 Affiliated Company
An organizational entity that shares a business affiliation with another business entity
B6 Registering Parent Party
An organizational entity (which is also a parent company) that is registering, for a program, e.g. to become a registered bidder
B7 Registering Nonparent Party
An organizational entity (which is not a parent company) that is registering, for a program, e.g. to become a registered bidder
B8 Regular Dealer
A business entity that regularly deals in a commodity or service being quoted on; use of the term “regular dealer” is consistent with its application to the Walsh-Healey Act
B9 Large Business
A business entity that cannot be classified as a small business for purposes of receiving preferential treatment in the award of contracts
BA Battery
That portion of the surface of land, other than a wellsite or roadway, required for access to and to accommodate all equipment, including above ground pressure maintenance facilities that are necessary to measure, separate or store prior to shipping to market or disposal, or necessary to produce the fluids, minerals and water or any of them from wells
BB Business Partner
BC Broadcaster
BD Bill-to Party for Diversion Charges
Charges associated with a diversion or reconsignment of a railcar
BE Beneficiary
BF Billed From
BG Buying Group
BH Interim Trustee
BI Trustee’s Attorney
BJ Co-Counsel
BK Bank
BL Party to Receive Bill of Lading
BM Brakeman
BN Beneficial Owner
BO Broker or Sales Office
BP Special Counsel
BQ Attorney for Defendant Private
BR Broker
BS Bill and Ship To
BT Bill-to-Party
BU Place of Business
BV Billing Service
Entity that provides statement of charges for medical services or supplies
BW Borrower
BX Attorney for Plaintiff
BY Buying Party (Purchaser)
BZ Business Associate
C0 Assistant Conductor
C1 In Care Of Party no. 1
C2 In Care Of Party no. 2
C3 Circuit Location Identifier
Identifies the address information as that which is assigned to a circuit location address
C4 Contract Administration Office
Established at either a contractor facility or in a geographic area, and responsible for administering on behalf of the buying activities that assigned contracts for administration and all contracts awarded to either the specific contractor or all contractors in the geographic area
C5 Party Submitting Quote
A business entity submitting a quote; this entity may be the party who ultimately performs if an order is received, or the entity may be submitting the quote on behalf of another entity who will perform if an order is received
C6 Municipality
C7 County
C8 City
C9 Contract Holder
CA Carrier
CB Customs Broker
CC Claimant
CD Consignee (To Receive Mail and Small Parcels)
CE Consignee (To receive large parcels and freight)
CF Subsidiary/Division
CG Carnet Issuer
CH Chassis Provider
CI Consignor
CJ Automated Data Processing (ADP) Point
A qualifier for an address of a location providing ADP support to an entity that is the intended recipient of a transmission, but that entity does not have its own organic capability to receive the transmission directly, relying instead on the support provided by the ADP point
CK Pharmacist
CL Container Location
CM Customs
CN Consignee
CO Ocean Tariff Conference
CP Party to Receive Cert. of Compliance
CQ Corporate Office
CR Container Return Company
CS Consolidator
CT Country of Origin
CU Coating or Paint Supplier
CV Converter
CW Accounting Station
A qualifier for an address of a location providing Automated Data Processing (ADP) support to an entity that is the intended recipient of a transmission, but that entity does not have its own organic capability to receive the transmission directly, relying instead on the support provided by the ADP point
CX Claim Administrator
CY Country
CZ Admitting Surgeon
D0 Admitting Physician
D1 Driver
D2 Commercial Insurer
D3 Defendant
D4 Debtor
D5 Debtor-In-Possession
D6 Consolidated Debtor
D7 Petitioning Creditor
D8 Dispatcher
D9 Creditor’s Attorney
DA Delivery Address
DB Distributor Branch
DC Destination Carrier
DD Assistant Surgeon
DE Depositor
DF Material Disposition Authorization Location
DG Design Engineering
Identifies the design engineer or office of the design engineer who will receive design specifications
DH Doing Business As
DI Different Premise Address (DPA)
Provides the different premise address when the associated equipment, or services, or both, are located at an address different from the main address
DJ Consulting Physician
DK Ordering Physician
DL Dealer
DM Destination Mail Facility
DN Referring Provider
DO Dependent Name
DP Party to Provide Discount
DQ Supervising Physician
DR Destination Drayman
DS Distributor
DT Destination Terminal
DU Resale Dealer
DV Division
DW Downstream Party
DX Distiller
An entity that manufactures an alcoholic product using Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms approved methods and formulas
DY Default/Foreclosure Specialist
The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) representative that processes the default monitoring and foreclosure reports
DZ Delivery Zone
Area where the product was delivered
E0 Assistant Engineer
E1 Person or Other Entity Legally Responsible for a Child
E2 Person or Other Entity With Whom a Child Resides
E3 Person or Other Entity Legally Responsible for and With Whom a Child Resides
E4 Other Person or Entity Associated with Student
E5 Examiner
E6 Engineering
E7 Previous Employer
E8 Inquiring Party
E9 Participating Laboratory
EA Study Submitter
EB Eligible Party To The Contract
EC Exchanger
ED Excluded Party
EE Location of Goods for Customs Examination Before Clearance
EF Electronic Filer
The firm, organization, or individual who converts the paper return into a machine-readable form
EG Engineer
EH Exhibitor
EI Executor of Estate
EJ Principal Person
EK Animal Source
EL Established Location
EM Party to Receive Electronic Memo of Invoice
EN End User
EO Limited Liability Partnership
EP Eligible Party to the Rate
EQ Old Debtor
ER New Debtor
ET Plan Administrator
EU Old Secured Party
EV Selling Agent
EW Servicing Broker
EX Exporter
EY Employee Name
EZ New Secured Party
F1 Company – Owned Oil Field
F2 Energy Information Administration (Department of Energy) – Owned Oil Field
F3 Specialized Mobile Radio Service (SMRS) Licensee
F4 Former Residence
F5 Radio Control Station Location
F6 Small Control Station Location
F7 Small Base Station Location
F8 Antenna Site
F9 Area of Operation
FA Facility
FB First Break Terminal
FC Customer Identification File (CIF) Customer Identifier
FD Physical Address
FE Mail Address
FF Foreign Language Synonym
FG Trade Name Synonym
FH Party to Receive Limitations of Heavy Elements Report
FI Name Variation Synonym
FJ First Contact
FL Primary Control Point Location
FM Fireman
FN Filer Name
FO Field or Branch Office
Remote location of the payer responsible for administering the plan of benefits
FP Name on Credit Card
FQ Pier Name
FR Message From
FS Final Scheduled Destination
Customs duties, excise taxes, and use of bonded fuels are dependent on whether an aircraft flight originated or is destined for an international location, these codes would be used to note those occurrences
FT New Assignee
FU Old Assignee
FV Vessel Name
FW Forwarder
FX Closed Door Pharmacy
FY Veterinary Hospital
FZ Children’s Day Care Center
G0 Dependent Insured
G1 Bankruptcy Trustee
G2 Annuitant
G3 Clinic
G5 Contingent Beneficiary
G6 Entity Holding the Information
G7 Entity Providing the Service
G8 Entity Responsible for Follow-up
G9 Family Member
GA Gas Plant
GB Other Insured
GC Previous Credit Grantor
GD Guardian
GE General Agency
GF Inspection Company
GG Intermediary
A company which acts as a reinsurance broker for a direct writing company or a reinsurer
GH Motor Vehicle Report Provider Company
A company which performs the services of obtaining motor vehicle records
GI Paramedic
GJ Paramedical Company
A company which performs physical examination services
GK Previous Insured
GL Previous Residence
The residence where the entity lived before moving to their present address
GM Spouse Insured
GN Garnishee
GO Primary Beneficiary
GP Gateway Provider
Identifies a gateway access provider
GQ Proposed Insured
GR Reinsurer
GS Garaged Location
GT Credit Grantor
GU Guarantee Agency
GV Gas Transaction Ending Point
GW Group
GX Retrocessionaire
A company which acts as a reinsurer for a reinsurance company
GY Treatment Facility
GZ Grandparent
H1 Representative
H2 Sub-Office
H3 District
H5 Paying Agent
H6 School District
H7 Group Affiliate
H9 Designer
HA Owner
HB Historically Black College or University
An educational institution of higher learning with a historical black student population.
HC Joint Annuitant
HD Contingent Annuitant
HE Contingent Owner
HF Healthcare Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Facility
Facility recognized by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as existing in an area of the country lacking in health care establishments and services
HG Broker Opinion or Analysis Requester
HH Home Health Agency
HI Listing Company
HJ Automated Underwriting System
HK Subscriber
HL Document Custodian
HM Competitive Property Listing
HN Competing Property
HO Comparable Property Listing
HP Closed Sale
HQ Source Party of Information
HR Subject of Inquiry
HS High School
HT State Chartered Facility
HU Subsidiary
HV Tax Address
Address used for tax purposes
HW Designated Hazardous Waste Facility
HX Transporter of Hazardous Waste
HY Charity
HZ Hazardous Waste Generator
I1 Interested Party
I3 Independent Physicians Association (IPA)
I4 Intellectual Property Owner
This is the party who claims to be the owner of any intellectual property contained here
I9 Interviewer
IA Installed At
IB Industry Bureau
IC Intermediate Consignee
ID Issuer of Debit or Credit Memo
Party that will issue any credit or debit memo
IE Other Individual Disability Carrier
IF International Freight Forwarder
IG Insolvent Insurer
II Issuer of Invoice
IJ Injection Point
IK Intermediate Carrier
IL Insured or Subscriber
IM Importer
IN Insurer
IO Inspector
IP Independent Adjuster
IQ In-patient Pharmacy
IR Self Insured
IS Party to Receive Certified Inspection Report
IT Installation on Site
IU Issuer
IV Renter
J1 Associate General Agent
J2 Authorized Entity
J3 Broker’s Assistant
J4 Custodian
J5 Irrevocable Beneficiary
J6 Power of Attorney
J7 Trust Officer
J8 Broker Dealer
J9 Community Agent
JA Dairy Department
JB Delicatessen Department
JC Dry Grocery Department
JD Judge
JE Frozen Department
JF General Merchandise Department
JG Health & Beauty Department
JH Alcohol Beverage Department
JI Meat Department
JJ Produce Department
JK Bakery Department
JL Video Department
JM Candy and Confections Department
JN Cigarettes and Tobacco Department
JO In-Store Bakery Department
JP Floral Department
JQ Pharmacy Department
JR Bidder
JS Joint Debtor Attorney
JT Joint Debtor
JU Jurisdiction
JV Joint Owner
JW Joint Venture
JX Closing Agent
JY Financial Planner
JZ Managing General Agent
K1 Contractor Cognizant Security Office
K2 Subcontractor Cognizant Security Office
K3 Place of Performance Cognizant Security Office
K4 Party Authorizing Release of Security Information
K5 Party To Receive Contract Security Classification Specification
K6 Policy Writing Agent
K7 Radio Station
K8 Filing Location
K9 Previous Distributor
KA Item Manager
The address of the person responsible for the management of an item of supply
KB Customer for Whom Same or Similar Work Was Performed
The party for whom the proposing entity performed the same or similar work
KC Party That Received Disclosure Statement
The office to which the Cost Accounting Standards Board (CASB) disclosure statement was sent
KD Proposer
The party submitting the proposal to the proposal soliciting entity
KE Contact Office
KF Audit Office
The office performing the audit
KG Project Manager
The address of the person responsible for the management of a designated project
KH Organization Having Source Control
Organization controlling the design and manufacturing process of a product
KI United States Overseas Security Administration Office
KJ Qualifying Officer
KK Registering Party
The party requesting registration into a system
KL Clerk of Court
KM Coordinator
KN Former Address
KO Plant Clearance Officer
KP Name Under Which Filed
KQ Licensee
KR Pre-kindergarten to Grade 12 Recipient
KS Pre-kindergarten to Grade 12 Sender
KT Court
KU Receiver Site
KV Disbursing Officer
KW Bid Opening Location
KX Free on Board Point
KY Technical Office
KZ Acceptance Location
L1 Inspection Location
Place where the item was viewed or inspected
L2 Location of Principal Assets
L3 Loan Correspondent
L4 Location of Container Stuffing
Location where transport container was filled. Conforms to US Customs International Security Filing 10+2 informational requirements
L5 Contact
L8 Head Office
L9 Information Provider
LA Attorney
LB Last Break Terminal
LC Location of Spot for Storage
Name of the location at which a trailer is spotted for storage, i.e., the party to receive equipment
LD Liability Holder
LE Lessor
LF Limited Partner
LG Location of Goods
LH Pipeline
LI Independent Lab
Outside laboratory which provides test results for entity providing medical services
LJ Limited Liability Company
LK Juvenile Owner
LL Location of Load Exchange (Export)
Name of the location at which load (trailer) is exchanged with another motor carrier for export
LM Lending Institution
LN Lender
LO Loan Originator
LP Loading Party
LQ Law Firm
LR Legal Representative
LS Lessee
LT Long-term Disability Carrier
LU Master Agent
LV Loan Servicer
LW Customer
LY Labeler
LZ Local Chain
M1 Source Meter Location
M2 Receipt Location
M3 Upstream Meter Location
M4 Downstream Meter Location
M5 Migrant Health Clinic
M6 Landlord
M7 Foreclosing Lender
M8 Educational Institution
M9 Manufacturing
MA Party for whom Item is Ultimately Intended
MB Company Interviewer Works For
MC Motor Carrier
MD Veterans Administration Loan Guaranty Authority
ME Veterans Administration Loan Authorized Supplier
MF Manufacturer of Goods
MG Government Loan Agency Sponsor or Agent
MH Mortgage Insurer
MI Planning Schedule/Material Release Issuer
MJ Financial Institution
MK Loan Holder for Real Estate Asset
ML Consumer Credit Account Company
MM Mortgage Company
A business entity that is responsible for originating and servicing mortgage loans
MN Authorized Marketer
MO Release Drayman
MP Manufacturing Plant
MQ Delivery Location
MR Medical Insurance Carrier
MS Bureau of Land Management (Minerals Management Service) Property Unit
MT Material
MU Meeting Location
MV Mainline
MW Marine Surveyor
MX Juvenile Witness
MY Master General Agent
MZ Minister
N1 Notify Party no. 1
N2 Notify Party no. 2
N3 Ineligible Party
N4 Price Administration
N5 Party Who Signed the Delivery Receipt
N6 Nonemployment Income Source
N7 Previous Neighbor
N8 Relative
N9 Neighborhood
NB Neighbor
NC Cross-Town Switch
Local Rail Movement
ND Next Destination
NE Newspaper
NF Owner Annuitant
NG Administrator
NH Association
NI Non-insured
NJ Trust or Estate
NK National Chain
NL Non-railroad Entity
NM Physician – Specialists
NN Network Name
Identifies the name of the telecommunications network, e.g., Envoy
NP Notify Party for Shipper’s Order
NQ Pipeline Segment Boundary
NR Gas Transaction Starting Point
NS Non-Temporary Storage Facility
NT Magistrate Judge
NU Formerly Known As
NV Formerly Doing Business As
NW Maiden Name
NX Primary Owner
NY Birth Name
NZ Primary Physician
O1 Originating Bank
O2 Originating Company
O3 Receiving Company
O4 Factor
O5 Merchant Banker
Banker who invests in commercial enterprises only
O6 Non Registered Business Name
Name used by a business which is not registered with governmental authorities
O7 Registered Business Name
Name used by a business which is registered with governmental authorities
O8 Registrar
OA Electronic Return Originator
A firm, organization, or individual who collects a prepared tax return for the purpose of having an electronic return produced and who obtains the taxpayer’s signature for electronic filing
OB Ordered By
OC Origin Carrier
OD Doctor of Optometry
OE Booking Office
OF Offset Operator
The company operating a property adjacent to the property being reported
OG Co-owner
OH Other Departments
OI Outside Inspection Agency
OL Officer
OM Origin Mail Facility
ON Product Position Holder
OO Order Of (Shippers Orders) – (Transportation)
OP Operator of property or unit
OR Origin Drayman
OS Override Institution; this is not the institution sending the record, but another institution the student previously attended or is currently attending
OT Origin Terminal
OU Outside Processor
A resource extraneous to primary material provider that performs additional material processing prior to delivery of the material to the primary provider’s customer
OV Owner of Vessel
OW Owner of Property or Unit
OX Oxygen Therapy Facility
Building in which oxygen treatment is provided for medical disorder
OY Owner of Vehicle
OZ Outside Testing Agency
A company or organization which performs testing for a manufacturer but is not owned by that manufacturer
P0 Patient Facility
Facility where patient resides
P1 Preparer
The firm, organization, or individual who determines the tax liability from information supplied by the taxpayer
P2 Primary Insured or Subscriber
A primary insured or subscriber is a person who elects the benefits and is affiliated with the employer or the insurer
P3 Primary Care Provider
Physician that is selected by the insured to provide medical care
P4 Prior Insurance Carrier
P5 Plan Sponsor
P6 Third Party Reviewing Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
P7 Third Party Repricing Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
P8 Personnel Office
P9 Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC)
Identifies the carrier who will handle the interexchange calls
PA Party to Receive Inspection Report
PB Paying Bank
PC Party to Receive Cert. of Conformance (C.A.A.)
PD Purchaser’s Department Buyer
PE Payee
PF Party to Receive Freight Bill
PG Prime Contractor
PH Printer
PI Publisher
PJ Party to Receive Correspondence
PK Party to Receive Copy
PL Party to Receive Purchase Order
PM Party to receive paper Memo of Invoice
PN Party to Receive Shipping Notice
PO Party to Receive Invoice for Goods or Services
PP Property
PQ Party to Receive Invoice for Lease Payments
PR Payer
PS Previous Station
PT Party to Receive Test Report
PU Party at Pickup Location
PV Party performing certification
PW Pickup Address
PX Party Performing Count
PY Party to File Personal Property Tax
PZ Party to Receive Equipment
Name a party to receive the transfer of equipment
Q1 Conductor Pilot
Q2 Engineer Pilot
Q3 Retail Account
Q4 Cooperative Buying Group
Q5 Advertising Group
Q6 Interpreter
Q7 Partner
Q8 Base Period Employer
Q9 Last Employer
QA Pharmacy
Establishment responsible for preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines
QB Purchase Service Provider
Entity from which medical supplies may be bought
QC Patient
Individual receiving medical care
QD Responsible Party
Person responsible for the affairs of the person having services rendered
QE Policyholder
QF Passenger
QG Pedestrian
QH Physician
QI Party in Possession
QJ Most Recent Employer (Chargeable)
QK Managed Care
QL Chiropractor
QM Dialysis Centers
QN Dentist
QO Doctor of Osteopathy
QP Principal Borrower
QQ Quality Control
QR Buyer’s Quality Review Board
QS Podiatrist
QT Psychiatrist
QU Veterinarian
QV Group Practice
QW Government
QX Home Health Corporation
Organization primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing or other therapeutic services
QY Medical Doctor
An individual trained and licensed to practice as a Medical Doctor (M.D.)
QZ Co-borrower
R0 Royalty Owner
R1 Party to Receive Scale Ticket
Party receiving document containing weight information from scale
R2 Reporting Officer
R3 Next Scheduled Destination
R4 Regulatory (State) District
R5 Regulatory (State) Entity
R6 Requester
R7 Consumer Referral Contact
R8 Credit Reporting Agency
R9 Requested Lender
RA Alternate Return Address
RB Receiving Bank
RC Receiving Location
RD Destination Intermodal Ramp
RF Refinery
RG Responsible Installation, Origin
RH Responsible Installation, Destination
RI Remit To
RJ Residence or Domicile
RK Refinery Operator
RL Reporting Location
RM Party that remits payment
RN Repair or Refurbish Location
Location to ship goods for repair or refurbishment
RO Original Intermodal Ramp
RP Receiving Point for Customer Samples
RQ Resale Customer
RR Railroad
RS Receiving Facility Scheduler
RT Returned to
Location to which goods have or will be returned
RU Receiving Sub-Location
Sometimes in aircraft fueling operations additional fueling charges may apply due to an unusual fueling location within the airport boundaries, this code would be used in those instances to note the location and reason for the special charge
RV Reservoir
RW Rural Health Clinic
RX Responsible Exhibitor
RY Specified Repository
RZ Receipt Zone
Area where the product was received
S0 Sole Proprietor
S1 Parent
S2 Student
S3 Custodial Parent
S4 Skilled Nursing Facility
S5 Secured Party
S6 Agency Granting Security Clearance
S7 Secured Party Company
S8 Secured Party Individual
S9 Sibling
SA Salvage Carrier
SB Storage Area
SC Store Class
SD Sold To and Ship To
SE Selling Party
SF Ship From
SG Store Group
SH Shipper
SI Shipping Schedule Issuer
SJ Service Provider
Identifies name and address information as pertaining to a service provider for which billing is being rendered
SK Secondary Location Address (SLA)
Identifies a physical address location in which a telecommunications circuit terminates; this address is in addition to a main service address
SL Origin Sublocation
The origin of product for accounting and operations purposes
SM Party to Receive Shipping Manifest
SN Store
SO Sold To If Different From Bill To
SP Party filling Shipper’s Order
SQ Service Bureau
A business entity that is responsible for providing computer resources to other firms that do not have computer resources of their own
SR Samples to be Returned To
SS Steamship Company
ST Ship To
SU Supplier/Manufacturer
SV Service Performance Site
When services are contracted for, this describes the organization for whom or location address at which those services will be performed
SW Sealing Company
SX School-based Service Provider
SY Secondary Taxpayer
Taxpayer who is filing jointly with the primary taxpayer
SZ Supervisor
T1 Operator of the Transfer Point
T2 Operator of the Source Transfer Point
T3 Terminal Location
A geographic location where a motor or rail or air or water terminal is located
T4 Transfer Point
A geographic location where a shipment is transferred or diverted to a new destination
T6 Terminal Operator
T8 Previous Title Company
T9 Prior Title Evidence Holder
TA Title Insurance Services Provider
TB Tooling
TC Tool Source
TD Tooling Design
TE Theatre
TF Tank Farm
TG Tooling Fabrication
TH Theater Circuit
TI Tariff Issuer
TJ Cosigner
TK Test Sponsor
Organization sponsoring a test to be run for certification
TL Testing Laboratory
TM Transmitter
A firm, organization, or individual who transmits returns electronically to a taxing authority
TN Tradename
TO Message To
TP Primary Taxpayer
Taxpayer whose social security number or employer identification number is used as the primary identification number for the filing
TQ Third Party Reviewing Organization (TPO)
TR Terminal
TS Party to Receive Certified Test Results
TT Transfer To
TU Third Party Repricing Organization (TPO)
TV Third Party Administrator (TPA)
TW Transit Authority
TX Tax Authority
TY Trustee
TZ Significant Other
U1 Gas Transaction Point 1
U2 Gas Transaction Point 2
U3 Servicing Agent
U4 Team
U5 Underwriter
U6 Title Underwriter
U7 Psychologist
U8 Reference
U9 Non-Registered Investment Advisor
UA Place of Bottling
UB Place of Distilling
UC Ultimate Consignee
UD Region
UE Testing Service
UF Health Miscellaneous
Health related entities that are not otherwise classified
UG Nursing Home Chain
UH Nursing Home
UI Registered Investment Advisor
UJ Sales Assistant
UK System
UL Special Account
UM Current Employer (Primary)
UN Union
UO Current Employer (Secondary)
UP Unloading Party
UQ Subsequent Owner
UR Surgeon
US Upstream Party
UT U.S. Trustee
UU Annuitant Payor
UW Unassigned Agent
UX Base Jurisdiction
UY Vehicle
UZ Signer
V1 Surety
V2 Grantor
V3 Well Pad Construction Contractor
V4 Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency
V5 Surface Discharge Agency
V6 Well Casing Depth Authority
V8 Market Timer
V9 Owner Annuitant Payor
VA Second Contact
VB Candidate
VC Vehicle Custodian
VD Multiple Listing Service
VE Board of Realtors
VF Selling Office
VG Listing Agent
VH Showing Agent
VI Contact Person
VJ Owner Joint Annuitant Payor
VK Property or Building Manager
VL Builder Name
VM Occupant
VN Vendor
VO Elementary School
VP Party with Power to Vote Securities
VQ Middle School
VR Junior High School
VS Vehicle Salvage Assignment
VT Listing Office
VU Second Contact Organization
VV Owner Payor
VW Winner
VX Production Manager
VY Organization Completing Configuration Change
W1 Work Team
W2 Supplier Work Team
W3 Third Party Investment Advisor
W4 Trust
W8 Interline Service Commitment Customer
W9 Sampling Location
WA Writing Agent
WB Appraiser Name
WC Comparable Property
WD Storage Facility at Destination
A storage facility located in the geographic vicinity of a destination location
WE Subject Property
WF Tank Farm Owner
WG Wage Earner
WH Warehouse
WI Witness
WJ Supervisory Appraiser Name
WL Wholesaler
WN Company Assigned Well
WO Storage Facility at Origin
A storage facility located in the geographic vicinity of an origin location
WP Witness for Plaintiff
WR Withdrawal Point
WS Water System
WT Witness for Defendant
WU Primary Support Organization
WV Preliminary Maintenance Period Designating Organization
WW Preliminary Maintenance Organization
WX Preliminary Referred To Organization
WY Final Maintenance Period Designating Organization
WZ Final Maintenance Organization
X1 Mail to
An address to which a specified item is to be mailed
X2 Party to Perform Packaging
A party responsible for packaging an item after it has been produced
X3 Utilization Management Organization
X4 Spouse
X5 Durable Medical Equipment Supplier
X6 International Organization
X7 Inventor
X8 Hispanic Service Institute
XA Creditor
XB In-Land Mexican Border
XC Debtor’s Attorney
XD Alias
Other Names Used
XE Claim Recipient
XF Auctioneer
XG Event Location
XH Final Referred To Organization
XI Original Claimant
XJ Actual Referred By Organization
XK Actual Referred To Organization
XL Borrower’s Employer
XM Maintenance Organization Used for Estimate
XN Planning/Maintenance Organization
XO Preliminary Customer Organization
XP Party to Receive Solicitation
XQ Canadian Customs Broker
XR Mexican Customs Broker
XS S Corporation
An “S” corporation is a corporation type designation given by the Internal Revenue Service to a corporation meeting certain tests of ownership and profit distribution
XT Final Customer Organization
XU United States Customs Broker
XV Cross Claimant
XW Counter Claimant
XX Business Area
XY Tribal Government
XZ American Indian-Owned Business
Y2 Managed Care Organization
YA Affiant
Person bringing forward a court case
YB Arbitrator
YC Bail Payor
YD District Justice
YE Third Party
YF Witness for Prosecution
YG Expert Witness
YH Crime Victim
YI Juvenile Victim
YJ Juvenile Defendant
YK Bondsman
YL Court Appointed Attorney
YM Complainant’s Attorney
YN District Attorney
YO Attorney for Defendant, Public
YP Pro Bono Attorney
Counsel provided without charge
YQ Pro Se Counsel
Proceeding without counsel
YR Party to Appear Before
YS Appellant
YT Appellee
YU Arresting Officer
YV Hostile Witness
YW Discharge Point
YX Flood Certifier
YY Flood Determination Provider
YZ Electronic Registration Utility
Z1 Party to Receive Status
An organization that will receive information about a transaction
Z2 Unserviceable Material Consignee
An organization that will receive unserviceable material
Z3 Potential Source of Supply
An organization that might stock the needed material
Z4 Owning Inventory Control Point
An inventory control organization responsible for management of a particular item
Z5 Management Control Activity
Department of Defense organization that oversees contractor requests for government-owned material to be supplied for use in support of government contracts
Z6 Transferring Party
An organization that is sending material
Z7 Mark-for Party
Z8 Last Known Source of Supply
The last organization known to hold a transaction for the needed material
Z9 Banker
ZA Corrected Address
The organization to which information should have been sent
ZB Party to Receive Credit
The organization to which credit will be granted
ZC Rent Payor
ZD Party to Receive Reports
The organization designated to receive reports
ZE End Item Manufacturer
Manufacturer of the end item associated with the required material
ZF Break Bulk Point
ZG Present Address
ZH Child
ZJ Branch
ZK Reporter
ZL Party Passing the Transaction
The party forwarding a transaction
ZM Lease Location
ZN Losing Inventory Manager
The organization losing management responsibility for an individual item of supply
ZO Minimum Royalty Payor
ZP Gaining Inventory Manager
The organization assuming management responsibility for an individual item of supply
ZQ Screening Point
ZR Validating Party
Party to affirm the validity of a requirement
ZS Monitoring Party
Party to oversee and track the status of a requirement
ZT Participating Area
ZU Formation
ZV Allowable Recipient
ZW Field
ZX Attorney of Record
ZY Amicus Curiae
Friend of the Court
ZZ Mutually Defined
001 Pumper
002 Surface Management Entity
003 Application Party
004 Site Operator
005 Construction Contractor
006 Drilling Contractor
007 Spud Contractor
Contractor responsible for initiating the drilling of an oil or gas well
008 Lien Holder
AA1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
AA2 Financial Aid Office
AA3 Respondent
AA4 Admission Office
AA5 Multi-Campus Administrative Unit
AA6 Headmaster
AA7 Business Officer
AA8 Superintendent
AA9 School Principal
AAA Sub-account
AAB Management Non-Officer
A manager who is not an officer of a company
AAC Incorporated Location
Location where a company is officially incorporated
AAD Name not to be Confused with
Entity with a similar name that should not be confused with
AAF Previous Occupant
AAG Ground Ambulance Services
AAH Air Ambulance Services
AAI Water Ambulance Services
AAJ Admitting Services
AAK Primary Surgeon
AAL Medical Nurse
AAM Cardiac Rehabilitation Services
AAN Skilled Nursing Services
AAO Observation Room Services
AAP Employee
AAQ Anesthesiology Services
AAS Prior Base Jurisdiction
AAT Incorporation Jurisdiction
AAU Marker Owner
Identifies railroad, company or municipal owner of a property marker
AAV Reclamation Center
AAW Party Providing Financing
AB1 Private School System
AB2 State Operated School System
AB3 Vocational Regions School System
AB4 Chartered School District
AB5 Schooling of Indian Children School System
AB6 Unorganized Territories School System
AB7 State Administered District
AB8 Towns in Unions School System
AB9 Agent Towns School System
ABB Master Property
ABC Project Property
ABD Unit Property
ABE Additional Address
ABF Society of Property Information Compilers and Analysts
ABG Organization
ABH Joint Owner Annuitant
ABI Joint Annuitant Owner
ABJ Joint Owner Annuitant Payor
ABK Joint Owner Joint Annuitant
ABL Joint Owner Joint Annuitant Payor
ABM Joint Owner Payor
ABN Acronym
ABO New Address
ABP Chairperson
ABQ Decision Maker
ABR Former President
ABS Founder
ABT Imported from Location
ABU Literally Translated Name
A literal translation from another language when no official English name exists
ABV Original Location
ABW President
ABX Rating Organization
AC1 Regional Center
AC2 Local Education Agency (LEA)
AC3 State Education Agency
ACB Initial Medical Provider
ACC Concurrent Employer
ACE Routing Point
ACF Border Crossing
ACG Bobtail Service Point
ACH Auditor
ACI Insured Location
ACJ Referral Provider
Name of the second level referral
ACK Affiliate
ACL Allied Health Professional
ACM Emergency Provider
ACN Federal Government
ACO Fellowship Institution
ACP Government – Combined Control
Organization with combined control including government and voluntary (i.e.: Charitable organization)
ACQ Government – Federal – Military
ACR Government – Federal – Other
Federal government organization that is neither military nor veteran
ACS Government – Federal – Veterans
ACT Government – Local
ACU Group Affiliation
ACV Information Source
ACW Internship Entity
ACX Medical School
ACY National Organization
ACZ Non-Profit Health Care Provider See U.S. Internal Revenue Code Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501(c)
ADA Not for Profit Health Care Provider See U.S. Internal Revenue Code Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501(c)
ADB For Profit Health Care Provider
ADC Office Manager
ADD On-call Provider
ADE Physician Hospital Organization (PHO)
ADF Point of Service (POS)
ADH Residency Institution
ADJ Shared Service
ADK Supporting Personnel
ADL Training Institution
ADM Public School
ADN Private School
ADO Public Pre-K Education
ADP Private Pre-K Education
ADQ Pre-K Day Care
ADR Charter School
ADS Home School
ADT Public Alternative School
ADU Neglected/Delinquent Institution
ADV Post-Secondary Institution
ADW Food Service Operator
ADX Future Address
ADY Former Registered Address
ADZ Top Parent Company in Same Country
AEA Second Level Parent Company
AEB Airport Authority
AEC Council of Governments
AED Foundation
AEE Port Authority
AEF Planning Commission
AEG Car Rental Location
AEI Lodging Facility
AEJ Party to Receive Transportation Credit
AEK Party to Receive Packing, Crating, and Handling Credit
AEL Primary International Telecom Carrier
AHM Agency Hazardous Material Information System Location
ALA Alternative Addressee
ALO Activity Location
APR Activity Provider
ATA Alternate Tax Authority
AUO Authorizing Official
BAL Bailiff
BKP Booking Party
BKR Bookkeeper
BLD Building
BLT Structure
BOW Body of Water
BRA National Account
BRB Customer Segment
BRN Brand Name
BRO Brand Owner
BUS Business
C4A Secondary Contract Administration Office
CHA Changed Address
CLT Building Cluster
Defines a grouping of buildings that are attached by common or party walls
CMW Company Merged With
CNP Confirming Party
CNR Confirmation Requester
CNS Confirmation Service Identifier Code
CNT Contractee
COD Co-Driver
COL Collateral Assignee
COM Complainant
COP Corrected Patient
COR Corrected Name
COS Corrected Subscriber
CRW Crew Member
CTR Contractor
DAM Damaged By
DBG Distributor Buying Group
DCC Chief Deputy Clerk of Court
DIR Distribution Recipient
DPR Port of Discharge
EAA Assistant
EAB Campaign Manager
EAD Client
EAE Commissioner
EAF Committee
EAG Contestant
EAH Contributor
EAI Deputy Chairperson
EAJ Deputy Treasurer
EAK Donor
EAL Endorser
EAM Guarantor
EAN Headquarters
EAO Independent Contractor
EAP Leader
EAQ Party Performing Liaison
EAR Lobbying Firm
EAS Lobbyist
EAT Media Contact
EAU Office Holder
EAV Party Authorized to Administer Oaths
EAW Party to Benefit
EAX Party Holding Interest
EAY Party Making Pledge
EAZ Party Returning Contribution
EBA Party Returning Transfer
EBB Lobbied Party
EBC Political Action Committee
EBD Political Party
EBE Proponent
EBF Public Official
EBG Receiving Committee
EBH Affiliated Committee
EBI Source
EBJ Sponsor
EBK Sponsored Committee
EBL Designee
EBM Temporary Residence
EBN Treasurer
EBO Vice-Chairperson
EBP Slate Mailer Organization
EBQ Lodging Location
EBR Independent Expenditure Committee
EBS Major Donor
EID Department of Defense Enterprise Identifier
An activity identifier code assigned to the entity that is responsible for assigning a unique item identifier to an item
ENR Enroller
EXS Ex-spouse
FGT Foreign Government
FRL Foreign Registration Location
FSI Party to Receive Sensitive Foreign Disclosure Information
FSR Financial Statement Recipient
FTZ Foreign Trade Zone
GBA Alternate Government Business Contact
GBO Gate Booth
GBP Primary Government Business Contact
GIR Gift Recipient
HMI Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Recipient
HOM Home Office
The main administrative location
HON Honorary Society
IAA Business Entity
IAC Principal Executive Office
IAD Foreign Office
IAE Member
IAF Executive Committee Member
IAG Director
IAH Clerk
IAI Party with Knowledge of Affairs of the Company
IAK Party to Receive Statement of Fees Due
IAL Company in which Interest Held
IAM Company which Holds Interest
IAN Notary
IAO Manager
IAP Alien Affiliate
IAQ Incorporation State Principal Office
IAR Incorporation State Place of Business
IAS Out-of-State Principal Office
IAT Party Executing and Verifying
IAU Felon
IAV Other Related Party
IAW Record-Keeping Address
IAY Initial Subscriber
IAZ Original Jurisdiction
ICP Inventory Control Point
IMM Integrated Material Manager
INT Interviewee
INV Investment Advisor
IOR Importer of Record
ISF Importer Security Filing (ISF) Importer
LCN Gas Nomination Location
LGS Local Government Sponsor
LPR Port of Loading
Port where cargo is loaded
LYM Amended Name
LYN Stockholder
LYO Managing Agent
LYP Organizer
M2A Associated Receipt Location
The associated location on the upstream service provider who is supplying the quanties to the Transportation Provider
MBR Master Broker
MQA Associated Delivery Location
The associated location on the downstream service provider who is receiving the quantities from the Transportation Service Provider
MSC Mammography Screening Center
MTR Meter Location
MXN Mexican tax identifier
NCT Name Changed To
NPC Notary Public
OAA Organic Accredited Certifying Agency
An accredited business, organization or agency that has the authority under an organic program to certify producers and handlers of agricultural products
OBG Operator Buying Group
OOP Other Operating Physician
ORI Original Name
OSH Off-Site Handler
OUC Other Unlisted Type of Corporation
PEB Party Establishing Billback Frequency
PER Party Establishing Price Changes
PIC Primary Inventory Control Activity
PLC Law Enforcement Agency
PLR Payer of Last Resort
PMC Prior Mortgage Company
PMF Party Manufactured For
PMG Program Manager
PNF Party Filing Prior Notice
Used to identify the party who will file FDA prior notice
PPC Past Performance Contact
PPE Party Providing Equipment
PPS Person for Whose Benefit Property was Seized
PRE Previous Owner
PRO Prospect Service
PRP Primary Payer
PTP Pay-to Plan Name
PUR Purchased Company
RCR Recovery Room
REC Receiver Manager
RED Redistributor
REP Repacker
RGA Responsible Government Agency
RR2 Class II Railroad
RR3 Class III Railroad
SEG Selling Group
SEP Secondary Payer
SIC Secondary Inventory Control Activity
SIP Ship-in-Place Location
SL1 Pipeline Segment Defined by 1 Location (or First of 2 Locations)
SL2 Pipeline Segment Defined by 2 Locations (or Second of 2 Locations)
SNP U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Second Notify Party
STC Switching and Terminal Carrier
SUS Supply Source
TEC Tax Exempt Corporation
TOW Towing Agency
TPM Third Party Marketer
TSD Treatment, Storage or Disposal Facility
TSE Consignee Courier Transfer Station
TSR Consignor Courier Transfer Station
TTP Tertiary Payer
VER Party Performing Verification
VIC Victim
ZON Zone

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