Zappos EDI Master Shipping Carton

Zappos EDI Master Shipping Carton Information

Zappos EDI Master Shipping Carton guidelines require that all individual products must be packed in a master shipping carton. Do not use staples to secure cartons. Remove any plastic or metal banding prior to shipping. Cartons need to be sealed tight to prevent damages.

Zappos EDI Master Shipping Carton Packing:

  • Maximize unit quantities into master shipping carton.
  • Zappos encourages packing multiple styles, sizes and/or colors in one shipping carton as long as all items in the carton are on the same Purchase Order.
  • Do not mix multiple Purchase Orders in a carton.
  • Do not mix multiple product types in a carton. (Purchase Orders should not have multiple product types. For example, footwear and clothing are sent to separate Fulfillment Centers so they will be on separate POs.)
  • Do not exceed our maximum shipping carton size and weight limits
    • Footwear : 32” L x 24” W x 27” H, 50 pounds.
    • All Non-Footwear products: Carton must not exceed 25″ on any side, 50 pounds.

Zappos Inbound Logistics reserves the right to require the Vendor to repack items into fewer master shipping cartons when unit per carton minimums are not met and/or it is clear that unit quantities were not maximized into master shipping cartons. (i.e. 6 units of footwear routed and packed in 6 master shipping cartons).

Zappos EDI Master Shipping Carton Labels:

Every master shipping carton in the shipment must have an EDI GS1‐128 Shipping Label on the outside of the carton. An EDI GS1‐128 Shipping Label must include a human-readable and scannable Zappos Merchandising Purchase Order Number barcode and an SSCC‐18 barcode. If the EDI GS1‐128 shipping label is submitted, an EDI 856 – Advance Ship Notice (ASN) including SSCC‐18 information must be submitted prior to shipment. and will refuse and return at the Vendor’s expense every shipping carton that does not have a human-readable and scannable EDI GS1-128 Shipping Label with the valid Zappos Merchandising Purchase Order number and a SSCC‐18 barcode on the outside of the carton.

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