Customized EDI Trainings For Your Company Staff
Customized EDI Trainings can be developed by experienced EDI Academy instructors for individual companies and groups. We are ready to prepare a customized course aimed at your goals and including your practical suggestions for effective implementation.
The EDI Academy provides customized EDI trainings onsite. The classes are designed to give a foundation of practical knowledge about EDI applications and how they apply to your business. We start with the basics and then focus in on issues that are pertinent to your organization.
The benefits of utilizing EDI Academy onsite classes include:
- Save time and money by having affordable training at your facility.
- Classes are scheduled at your request and we do our best to accommodate your schedule.
- Training is tailored to your environment and requests, you do not waste time on topics that are not of interest.
- You have the opportunity to consult with an expert that has implemented EDI for a number of companies and trading partners.
Before conducting the onsite seminar, EDI Academy staff will analyze the particular requirements of your company and supply references and resources to participants according to your needs. Sending individual employees to outside courses can be time-consuming and expensive. EDI Academy on-site training can will be much more money-saving. Our professional instructors are available to come to your location, saving travel and accommodation expenses. Relatively small groups (four and more) can be trained more cost effectively with a focus on your company.
You should also mention that when training staff together, the effects of sharing the training experience continue long after the seminar has ended. This is the key to effective training as well as successful acquisition and use of the knowledge learned in the course.
EDI Academy experienced training staff can develop and deliver many types of programs geared to your particular requirements, together with practical suggestions for effective implementation for your company products or services.
To inquire about onsite training courses please email: or call (877) EDI-6484.