EDIFACT CUSRES Message Used In Conjunction With CUSDEC (SARS Imports/Exports) Once the CUSDEC message has passed translation successfully, it is mapped to the internal file format and passed on to the import / export system. There are various instances where a CUSRES (Customs Response) message could be created. These are: A CUSRES is generated denoting Read More →


EANCOM DESADV Despatch advice message EANCOM Despatch advice message specifies details for goods despatched or ready for despatch under agreed conditions. This message indicates the despatch of goods being delivered or being, returned, and the intent of the transaction is to advise of the detailed contents of a consignment. EANCOM DESADV relates to one seller Read More →


EANCOM ORDRSP (Purchase Order Response Message) EANCOM ORDRSP (Purchase Order Response Message) is a message sent from a supplier to a buyer, responding to a Purchase Order message or a Purchase Order Change Request. A supplier may respond for one or more goods items or services. The response may be: an acknowledgement of receipt and Read More →


EANCOM ORDCHG (Purchase order change request message) EANCOM ORDCHG is an EDI message specifying details of the buyer’s request to change a Purchase Order. The message is sent from the buyer to the seller. The basic principle for the usage of the message is that a buyer may request to change, or possibly cancel one Read More →