EDI education

EDI Education: Your investment in raising-up your business EDI education is not as widely available as it should be. Most companies that implement EDI use staff who are self-taught, or who attend their software vendor’s training sessions. This may seem sufficient for day-to-day EDI operations but in truth it is not adequate. Personnel that have no EDI education may not Read More →

EDI Supply Chain Solutions Role For Managing Products Supply Processes EDI Supply Chain Solutions and Supply Chain Management in most cases may not be connected directly. So what is the relationship between EDI Supply Chain Solutions and products flow management..? Actually, EDI may be called a part of B2B business structure where it plays the Read More →


Transportation EDI Solutions: Cost Saving Approach Transportation EDI solutions continue to prove that electronic messaging format worth its implementation. In general, the annual volume of all EDI transactions in the world business make more than 20 billion ones and this quantity continues to grow. If your company is connected to transportation of third-party logistics, you should Read More →