Wakefern EDI

Wakefern EDI Purchase Orders and Invoices Processing

After both supplier and Wakefern have completed system set up of EDI, the Wakefern EDI Coordinator will generate a test purchase order. The test is used to validate communications and translation. Unless directed otherwise by the supplier, Wakefern will send all purchase orders directly to the vendor. It is the responsibility of the vendor to provide the broker a copy of the purchase order. Carbon copy services are available with most VANs.

A functional acknowledgment is required for Wakefern purchase orders and any other EDI document sent from Wakefern.

Sending EDI Invoices to Wakefern

Once you have completed the trading partner set up and Wakefern has done the same for your company, you can commence sending a test invoice. The test invoice should be against a live or test purchase order. You must contact the Wakefern EDI Coordinator the day after the test invoice has been transmitted. The EDI Coordinator will review the invoice data structure and accuracy and will provide feedback as necessary. Once the EDI coordinator has approved your invoices, you will be informed that EDI invoices are “live”. At this point, paper invoices are not required and in fact, discouraged.

The trading partner must accept and acknowledge the 864 Text Message, in order for the trading partner to be moved into production. The fact that Wakefern sends a 997 Functional Acknowledgment, does not constitute that the invoice has been accepted by Wakefern’s invoice reconciliation application.

864 Text Message

Live invoices received by Wakefern that contain data content errors will be rejected and you will be notified by the text message. The text message will contain an error message describing the error. Wakefern expects the supplier to provide a Functional Acknowledgment for each text message. You are required to correct the data error, or contact the appropriate Wakefern department stated in the text message to resolve the stated error. A corrected invoice must be re-sent.

To learn more about EDI and become a certified EDI Professional, please visit our course schedule page.

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